Have you ever heard of Poland Syndrome? Chances are you probably haven’t, and that’s because it's pretty rare! Whether you’re researching the condition, generally interested in causes of breast asymmetry or looking to start your journey into a potential diagnosis, we’re here to share some useful information.
What is Poland Syndrome?
Poland Syndrome (PS) is a rare birth defect of unknown causes that affects one side of the body, and occurs in both men and women. It’s not genetic, meaning you can’t inherit it or pass it onto children. The main characteristic of PS is an absent or underdeveloped chest muscle on one side, which for women, can result in breast asymmetry. It’s currently thought to be more predominant in men, however, with a large percentage of women hiding their chest size difference and a massive lack of research, we cannot be certain that this is the case.
How do I know if I have Poland Syndrome?
The severity of Poland Syndrome symptoms and effects can differ drastically. Some babies will be diagnosed at birth if they show clear signs of Poland Syndrome, such as a concave chest and a missing nipple. Children with Poland Syndrome can also be born with a small hand and arm arm, fused and/or shortened finger bones, or undeveloped kidneys. Going undiagnosed at birth is incredibly common - lots of girls born with slight underdevelopment of their chest muscles will look completely normal and show no signs of Poland Syndrome until they start puberty. As you can imagine, this makes recognising and diagnosing the condition very challenging. Many doctors and medical professionals are not familiar with Poland Syndrome, and in some cases, this lack of awareness has resulted in patients being told that a muscle defect has nothing to do with their breast asymmetry. That’s why it’s important to know the facts when starting a journey to a potential diagnosis, or educating yourself on the syndrome.
During puberty, it’s very common for one breast to start developing at a faster rate than the other, and it's also perfectly normal to develop some degree of breast asymmetry - our bodies are naturally asymmetrical. So how do you know if the underlying cause is Poland Syndrome? At one end of the spectrum, Poland Syndrome can result in a small difference in chest size or shape and a slight difference in the shape, size or positioning of areolas (nipples) on the affected side. At the other end of the spectrum, women can develop several cup sizes differences - only one of their breasts may grow, or they may have a completely flat or a concaved chest, with a missing or undeveloped areola. The only ways to diagnose Poland Syndrome are through physical exams, imaging such as ultrasounds & x-rays, or through surgery.
What options are there for women with Poland Syndrome?
Evenly Bra Balancers™ are a perfect non-surgical solution to help balance the cup size difference caused by Poland Syndrome. In more extreme cases of asymmetry, stacking Bra Balancers™ or opting to wear a full breast replacement prosthesis, may be more suitable. There’s also some evidence that Poland Syndrome may affect your ability to breastfeed, so any size differences that may be caused by lack of (or less) milk production can also be corrected by Bra Balancers™. You can pair Bra Balancers™ with a regular bra, or you can opt for pocketed, mastectomy, or wire-free bras or bikinis, such as those made by our friends at Royce*, for better security & comfort. There are also surgical options such as implants and fat transfers, which are sometimes covered by the NHS (in the UK). If you're considering breast surgery, you may wish to join our private Facebook community The Uneven Titty Committee™ where many of the members openly share their surgery experiences, concerns and questions.
*Use code EVENLY10 at royce-lingerie.co.uk for 10% off all of their beautiful, wire-free ranges.
What are Evenly doing for Poland Syndrome?
Here at Evenly, we are striving to raise Poland Syndrome awareness and to #BreakTheTaboob on uneven breasts. Our ambassador, Becca Butcher, has Poland Syndrome and has been campaigning for years to raise awareness of the syndrome. She even featured in a campaign for Lounge Underwear. Our Marketing Executive, Kira (who is currently writing this blog- hey!), also has Poland Syndrome, and after over a year of volunteering in the Digital Team at Poland Syndrome PIP-UK Charity, she joined the Evenly Team. Our founder Kate appeared on BBC news alongside Natalie, who has Poland Syndrome, talking all things breast asymmetry. Kate has also appeared in PIP-UK’s Podcast ‘What About PS?’, and continues to support the charity.
Get in touch!
If you have any Poland Syndrome related queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the fabulous PIP-UK team using the contact form on their website, who are the world’s leading Poland Syndrome charity, for advice.
If you have Poland Syndrome and would like to join us in the fight to #BreakTheTaboob, please contact us, we’d love to hear from you! ❤️